Her text was simple, opening a heart conversation.
What are you doing?
Relaxing – I’ve been driving for 10 hours
Are you sad that Mawmaw died?
A sob caught in his throat. “What should I tell her?”
“The truth, Honey. Just tell her the truth.”
My husband got news of his mom’s death in his seventh hour of driving. Three more hours and he would be home. Tired and sad, he stopped to make sure the kids were okay, and get a quick hug from the grands, before he pulled into our driveway. Within ten minutes of arriving home, our eleven year old granddaughter texted him her message. I imagine she sensed her Paw’s grief when they hugged. I imagine his hug was much tighter than normal.
Are you sad that Mawmaw died?
Yes I am, but I believe that she is now in heaven with Jesus.
Me, too. I am sad but now she can see Pop in heaven.
Brooke asked to spend the next afternoon with us. We were delighted – after a Saturday morning making funeral plans, spending time with her would be joyful. I imagined what she and I could do – because, you know, she always hangs out with Granny! But not this day. She hovered around her Paw. They both sat in the living room, playing computer games or watching tv. Not many words were said. They were just…together. Comfortable.
It reminded me of Job. When his friends found out all that Job had been going through, they didn’t try to console him with words. They just hung out with him.
So they sat down with [Job] on the ground for seven days and seven nights, and none spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief and pain were very great. Job 2:13 AMP
[tweetthis]Words aren’t aways necessary. Spending comfortable, silent times with those you love is a soothing balm.[/tweetthis]
And so it is in our time with Jesus. Our Quiet Time is often too loud: filled with our chatter, or the never ending to-do list in our minds.
More than anything, Jesus wants to hang out with us. He’s wanted that since walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the garden.
No words are necessary. Just a comfortable silence. A silence so golden we can hear Him speak as we read His word. A silence so peaceful, we know without a doubt He is there with us, a soothing balm for our weary souls.
“My soul waits in silence for God only; from Him is my salvation.” Psalm 62:1 NASB
Today, when you purpose in your heart to meet with the Lord, also purpose to sit silently with Him, hanging out with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Oh, Jesus, fill me with patience so I will sit quietly with You. Slow the rush of my weary soul. Amen.
Grace be with you,
I have the sweetest moments with the Lord when I am quietly sitting before Him, allowing Him to wash over me with His love, words of hope and healing. Blessings!
Oh, amen Barbie! To sit quietly and be washed in His love is to have the ultimate peace! Thanks for visiting today!