My car is really smart. Except when it’s not. I was driving home today, and out of the blue a red light starts flashing on my dashboard – warning me that I was driving too close to the car in front of me. Except, nothing was in front of me. Maybe the rain messed up the car’s smart function!
Then other times it’s right on target.
My friend Carmen and I were headed to Texas one weekend for some fellowship and learning with other writers. My big plan was to drive from my south Louisiana home to Carmen’s north Louisiana home, then head west the next day. It was a total of about six and a half driving hours, and just under 400 miles. The car was gassed up, tires checked and I was ready to roll.
I made it to Carmen’s just fine, just before my bedtime. We visited a bit, but really looked forward to the next day – a gabfest!
I was not disappointed. When we left Carmen’s house, we were talking, laughing, planning lunch and Hey! Why not shopping? We had all day to make it to Texas, and we never get to shop together. It was just a grand ole girl party in the car.
After lunch and a bit of browsing in Tuesday Morning, we did what we needed to do before getting back on the road – we took a bathroom break. Then we revved up the car and hit the road.
An hour later I suddenly heard a rapid DING DING DING DING DING!
“Carmen, my car is trying to tell me something! I’m not tailgating anybody or anything! What on earth??”
Glancing down, I saw the bright yellow glow of the fuel light! In all the miles I’d driven in the last day, all the stops I’d made, I had never re-fueled my car. I had never thought to look at the gas gauge. Yeah, I drive on empty at home, but I know how far I can go, and where all the gas stations are located. I didn’t know when or where I could fill up in Texas! So, we kept going…
Our lives are a lot like this, aren’t they? We’re cruising along, enjoying ourselves, serving the Lord, doing great things and having a load of fun, too. Then all of a sudden the bells and whistles and warnings start going off.
But we keep going. We hit the proverbial concrete wall and are now flatter than a pancake. We are running on empty, lying parched in the dust bowl of life, poured out. We need to be filled. We need reviving.
“I lie in the dust; revive me by your word.” Psalm 119:25 NLT
In Psalm 119, the Psalmist asks eleven times to be revived by the Lord. Three times he specifically asks God to revive him “according to Your Word.”
I think this is where we so often miss the obvious:
We don’t slow down and read God’s word. We settle for second best, reading devotions or devotional blogs, and expecting them to fill us.
[tweetthis]We take someone’s else word as truth over the transformational truth of His Word.[/tweetthis]
PLEASE don’t read my blog, and hope to get all you need of God’s Word. There is no substitute for the real thing! Open your Bible and read it – you won’t be disappointed.
Or, when we do read God’s word every day, we don’t allow it to soak into us and revive us. Big chunks are read to check off our to-do list, but we don’t slow down and let ourselves digest those beautiful words. We don’t stop and let them fill and satiate us.
Let’s purpose in our hearts to stop running on empty. Let’s slow down and re-fuel with God’s Word. The Bible. His love letter to us. Read smaller portions and ponder over them. Take ten to twelve verses and read them over and over. It may take one sitting. It may take a week. You may not be able to check a chapter off your to do list. That’s ok. Do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to let His words fill you and strengthen you.
“My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.” Psalm 119:28 NASB
By the way, Carmen and I made it to our exit, and there was a gas station! But I don’t think I want to chance running on empty again.
How do you refuel?
Lord,fill us afresh! Strengthen us and revive us as we soak in Your Word. Amen
Grace be with you,
What a beautiful analogy and so timely (right before the new school year begins)… Check lists are helpful but spending time in His Word requires mulling over throughout my day rather than a quick “check” mark off my chores to-do list. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and focus on making “the main thing THE main thing.” ❤️
Deb – I love this: mulling over throughout my day! Yes! And it’s something we need to practice and get into the habit of doing! So glad you stopped by! Thanks so much for your encouragement!
Good message, Ellen!
Thank you my sweet church lady friend 🙂 !
I love this!!! It really spoke to me! I run here and there everyday and I would always give out a list of excuses at this point to justify my running to the world. Good excuses!!! This year I have really been working on slowing down… Ellen your words really spoke to me… Do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to let His words fill you and strengthen you. NO MATTER what I have going on… No matter how BUSY I am,,, No matter how long it takes me… I WILL CONTINUE TO DO WHAT IT TAKES to soak up ever word and allow His word to revive me daily. His word is my fuel!
Amen, Trulie! Whatever it takes! And do you know, I almost changed up the end of this blog. I may still, because the gist of the message is the same – get into His word! Let Him fuel and strengthen you! So glad you stopped by!
You forgetting to check fuel levels reveals our fun level! Who cares about gasoline!? Girls gotta have fun!
Ain’t it the truth?!?!