“The hardest thing for most patients is staying off their feet the first three days. You can use your crutches to go from your bed to the bathroom. But you must keep your foot elevated for the first three days!”
Hmmph. This doctor doesn’t know me very well. I do not have a problem staying in bed. A good book, my iphone, the iPad, my Bible – not to mention the new mattress that was SOOOO comfortable. I could stay in bed for days. What a luxury!
The plans were set: John would go to work, I would have snacks nearby, and someone would come by to check on me during the day.
Then cabin fever set in. I watched TV, played with my iPhone, and watched more TV. I saw a spider on the floor and crushed it with the crutches – take THAT you eight legged arachnid!
Next, I ran out of water…OH NO! I am a water drinking fool. My husband had threatened (promised?) to pull the water hose through our bedroom window, so I wouldn’t run dry. He didn’t follow through. I had to refill my glass while balancing on one foot with crutches – almost impossible, not to mention dangerous, and something I shouldn’t have been doing!
For the most part, I was faithful to follow the doctor’s orders. I took all my meds, kept my foot elevated above my heart and stayed immobile as much as possible. I was an obedient patient.
My foot healed beautifully! I was finally able to ditch the crutches and walk in an orthopedic boot. Oh, the freedom! Suddenly, I could fill my own water glass. I could cook our dinners (this is the first time ever that I missed doing the cooking and household chores). I could drive, if I was careful. I was FREE, no longer chained to the crutches.
What if I obeyed God’s word as quickly and as willingly as I did the doctor’s orders? What healing and liberty would come? What if I threw down my crutches and walked in the freedom of Christ? What if we all did?
[tweetthis remove_url=”true”]Faithful obedience moves us forward in freedom.[/tweetthis]
How do I know this? Because I’ve lived it.
Not so long ago, the Lord called me out of my comfort zone to serve Him. It would involve speaking in front of a large group of people (horrors). I was obedient and said “Yes” even though I was quaking in my boots.
Here’s what I learned:
About Christ. He equipped me. When I surrendered my will for His, He absolutely equipped me for that service. His Holy Spirit provided words for me when I needed them most (Luke 12:12). You can read about it here.
About myself. Although I don’t love public speaking, I have gained some confidence in it because I trust Christ as He leads me. As I step out more and more in obedience, I see Christ’s provision and faithfulness. This frees me from the shackles of fear.
Imagine walking in confidence, not fear; not worrying what others may think, because we know we are precious in Christ’s eyes. Imagine what life would be like without the ball and chain of sin holding us back. When we live by the words of Christ, we are set free from the power that sin holds over us.
So Jesus said to those who believed in him, “If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 (GNT)
In what ways has obedience to Christ set you free?
Until next week,
Joining these lovely writers. Be sure to visit their pages, you’ll be encouraged!
Suzie Eller, Live Free Thursday
Susan at Dance with Jesus
Barbie at The Weekend Brew
Kelly at Purposeful Faith
Holly at Testimony Tuesday
Holley at Coffee for Your Heart
Jennifer at Tell His Story
Jana at Sweet to the Soul
Bonnie at Faith Barista
Ellen, I could so relate to this post not only because I had extensive foot surgery a few months ago with some of the same directions, but also because I am not always obedient in following God’s instructions. While driving back from Dallas today, we listened to message by John Piper on the Friendship with Jesus. He explained that we are friends with Jesus when we do what He has commanded us to. In other words, we enjoy His friendship because we want to be obedient. Good message. Thanks for this reminder today. By-the-way, my friend Charlene Fleming is going to be in NI for a few weeks and wants to meet you.
Libby, I will be on the lookout for Charlene!
You go, Ellen! That’s great about your speaking in front of that group. Kind of scary and risky, but you’re brave!
Oh yes, I wish I’d obey God’s word as quickly and completely as I would the doctor’s orders after foot surgery. But little steps of obedience I’ve taken are setting me free from worry, free from fear, free from the FEAR OF MAN (what’ll they think?)
Yes Betsy, small steps of obedience lead to bigger steps of obedience! And then we can leave the fear of man behind us!
It’s easy to obey when you want to do what you are told to do! We need a change of heart so that what the Lord tells us to do is what we want to do.
Amen David! So very hard to obey when we want to do our will! Praying that our hearts are molded into His, so that His desires are our desires! Thanks so much for visiting!
Freedom comes from letting go of fear and hanging on to God. Sometimes that’s so hard to remember. Thanks for the reminder, Ellen!
And so many times I’m hanging on to Him for dear life, as He pries the fear out of my hands. Thank you friend!
Ellen, there is so much wisdom and truth in this post and I love the way you tie it into your experience with your surgery. I experienced this same thing when God called me to speak recently. I find it’s not until we step forward in obedience that we see God’s faithfulness and power to work in us. It is amazing what he can do, isn’t it? Thank you for sharing this. Inspiring, my friend!
Yes, indeed Abby! We have to do our part! Thank you sweet friend!
The application of God’s word to my life is always the key to freedom. But it’s so hard sometimes. Thank you for your comparison to following the dr’s orders. I, too, am a very compliant patient. Just imagine if I would be compliant to the Great Physcian’s plan for my life. What freedom that would bring. Thank you!
Oh yes, Samantha – compliant to the Great Physician! Think of the healing! Glad you stopped in today, so happy to have your insights here!
Oh, I felt for you as I remember when I was on crutches…Congrats on stepping out of your comfort zone and speaking..always so great to see how God works in and through us 🙂 Praying you recover soon …rest up 🙂
Dolly, all healed, thanks so much! This was a few years ago, and while I was forced to be still, I recognized that if I was such an obedient patient, I should also be an obedient follower of Christ. Yes, I am always amazed at how He works in us, and through us, if we will allow Him access. Thank you for visiting today!
visiting next door from Tell His Story! So glad to read your encouraging blog, it reminds me of how we ALWAYS have to turn to God, when we’re up, down, or inbetween!!
Kathy, I love the name of your website! Holy Vacation Queen…it just makes me grin! And you are so right: whether we are up, down or in between, we need to turn to Christ. Thanks for stopping by!
What a good idea… following orders! For those of us who are stubborn and independent we’re always a work in progress! You brought out a great point though…. how good it is to obey, that’s when freedom comes! Thanks for sharing with us! (Stopping by from #TellHisStory)
Hello Rachel! I have a bit of a stubborn and independent streak in me…how much more free I would be if I stopped listening to my ideas and go with His! Thank you for stopping by today! Your comments always bring a smile to my face!
Ellen, this got me thinking:”What if I threw down my crutches and walked in the freedom of Christ? What if we all did?” Yes, what if? We all have metaphorical crutches of one type or another on which we lean when life becomes extra hard and challenging. But what if God is asking us to rely on Him alone? His power to heal, deliver, renew and restore are already evident in lives surrendered to Him. Maybe more prompt obedience is the key to seeing more fruitful (and contented?) lives? Just maybe..
I love the analogy you use here about your time being incapacitated and on crutches. And as someone who has a physical need to rest, pace and take to her bed more often than her wilful soul would want to, I also identify with your struggle to be independent again. Thank you for this timely word! Blessings 🙂
Yes, Joy! What if we relied on Him alone? Surrendered to Him? Thank you for visiting! I so appreciate your encouraging comments.