“So you’ve never had a ‘proper job’?” she asked in her clipped British accent.
Our tour guide guffawed.
“Proper job? Proper job,” he mimicked. “Lady, this IS my ‘proper job’!”
His wind burned, sun wrinkled skin testified to the fact that he had been giving Colorado River tours for well over 20 years.
Most of the tourists on the boat snickered at his response to the Englishwoman. However, it filled me with longing…
To float slowly down the peaceful Colorado River, day in and day out, pointing out spectacular sights from nature, breathing in clean, fresh air. Every day seeing with fresh eyes something spectacular from God’s creation – THAT is the life! And he got paid for it! No worries, no hurries.
In today’s world, it’s all about productivity. Multi-tasking. Squeezing chores and to-do’s out of every second in the day. No wonder I’m frazzled by the end of the week. My body is tired, my mind is empty and my soul needs a retreat. A soul care retreat. A soul feeding with soul food.
And, what really, really feeds my soul is being outdoors, enjoying God’s creation. Whether it’s a slow meandering walk through nature, floating down the Colorado River or sitting outside soaking up the sun during lunch, I am revived and rejuvenated. My soul rejoices.
I wish that it was something more noble than this. A dear friend of mine says that volunteering at our local crisis pregnancy center “fills her cup.” I wish that I could say the same about feeding the hungry or helping others less fortunate. But my introverted personality craves alone time. Often, during busy, non-stop times of serving and doing, I find myself longing for the quietness of a cabin in the mountains, the beauty of a snowfall.
Rather than wish for something more noble to feed my soul, I am going to celebrate the way God created me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. If that means being in nature and rejoicing in God’s creation feeds my soul, then that’s what I need to do. After all, I was knit together in my mothers’ womb by the Creator of the sun and skies and stars. Ultimately…
What do you love to do that feeds your soul?
Lord God, You designed each of us as unique individuals. You are intimately acquainted with all our ways, introverts and extroverts alike. We give thanks to you, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image. Amen
Until next week,
Linking up today with Bonnie Gray at Faith Barista:
and these other lovely writers:
Barbie at The Weekend Brew
Kelly at Purposeful Faith
Holly at Testimony Tuesday
Janis at Sunday Stillness
Holly at Coffee for Your Heart
Brittany at Fellowship Friday
Hi Ellen,
I had hopped over to read your blog while you were leaving a comment on mine! (Blogger sweetness, right?!) I LOVE what you wrote about alone time — I, too, am an introvert and carefully schedule time with friends so I have enough time to be with myself — which seemed so opposite to me, until I realized it’s the way God made me. I love reading and writing and am never bored pursuing what feeds my soul and of course, pursuing the one who made me that way. Love your post today, friend!
Thank you Valerie, and thanks for stopping by! Introverts UNITE!! Like you, I schedule my time carefully. Most of my dearest friends know when it’s time to leave me be! Enjoyed celebrating with you our Creator and how He made us! Blessings! And keep writing! Love your stuff!
Walking by the sea, nothing fills me up like that! So happy to meet you via Holley’s!
Oh, I love to get my toes in the sand, too! So glad you stopped by Elizabeth!
I’m an introvert too. I love quiet. I have to have it or I’m not a nice person. Mountains and beaches revive me. Music feeds me, but singing is my dessert. Stopping in from Beloved Brews.
Ahhh, Melissa, do you belt out some praise songs as you drive? I’ve don that, and ended up going WAY too fast! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh…I can relate…being in nature reminds me of how big God is and just the sheer beauty of it all..I believe God rejoices in how He made each of us unique so what fills our souls with joy will be different and that is okay and good 🙂
Dolly, thanks so much for visiting my ordinary little corner of the web! I love your Soul Care Manifesto, and can identify so much with it! Especially trying to stop or silence my internal monologue! That’s a tough one!
Especially enjoyed this article and enjoyed John’s beautiful photography.
Thank you Bro. Buie! Yes, these were some of John’s most beautiful pictures! The bottom one was from his trip to Alaska this past summer. Thank you for continuing to encourage me in this writing endeavor! I appreciate you so much!
Oops, Bro. Buie, I was wrong about the second picture. I believe that is the Grand Teton mountains!
Such a beautiful post. Your pictures are just stunning. I find myself being a mixture of personalities 🙂 I love people but I truly can be alone and not feel the least bit anxious. I love quietness and sitting under a beach umbrella just staring at the waves. It is so nourishing to me. Then….I want to visit and laugh and share a meal. But, when I am spent, I need quietness. I also must have it to write. I don’t play music when I am writing or studying. Ok, so now I have told way too much about me. Love you friend!
I’m with you Carmen! I do so love time with John and my girlfriends! I thrive on that, but at the same time, I need my space…that down time. I can’t write with noise either! Well, not at first. Then when I get involved in my writing, the world just goes away! Thanks for stopping by! Love you too, my friend!
I love your post, Ellen! I’m with you, that guy didn’t have such a bad job!!!
I’m an extrovert, but I’ve noticed that as I’m getting older, or maybe now that I’m writing???, I do appreciate time alone to read and write. Love walks in the park on beautiful days too!
Hi Betsy! Yes, it’s a job I think I could handle, if I could navigate a boat :-). I think taking time to soak in and process our days is so beneficial, and something I’ve not done before. After all, sometimes process hurts…thanks for stopping by!
I get it, Ellen. I really do. All of those things feed my soul too. I have such a wonderful husband to try to give me some alone time during the week after he gets home from work. I go a little nuts after a while if I don’t get it. 😉 Love reading your thoughts.
My too Abby! Gotta make sure to have my alone time. Funny thing is, after a while, I crave being around people too! Not crowds, just small gatherings…thanks for stopping by!
I crave time alone too and love the beauty that God created just for us. Sounds like we have some similar soul needs. The outdoors, a stunning sunset, a long walk all help to restore. Blessed you joined The Weekend Brew today.
Hi Mary, thanks for stopping by!So enjoyed your post on The Weekend Brew!
Ellen, you have beautifully put into words what I have not been able to express for years. Because I can strike up a conversation with complete strangers and teach foreign languages to others, people think I am a “social” person! In reality, however, I much prefer spending time alone, talking to no one aside from my silent communication with Him… Thank you for making me feel “normal” (instead of selfish) about the way God made me!!
Keep on using your gift of words…
Deb, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Just because you long for alone time doesn’t make you selfish. After all Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16). But we do have to be careful to have balance. We were made for fellowship. You may have to remind me of this from time to time 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Ooh, Ellen. YES! I want that time away, too. Sometimes the world just makes me want to pack up the car and get away–away from the craziness of schedules and work and technology. Just being still and focusing on the beauty of God’s creation and resting in Him. Thankful we can have those resting times…even without leaving our houses. (But how I love being surrounded by the beauty of His creation!)
Yes, Sabra, those resting times refresh, revitalize and restore us to do His work! So glad He enabled me this way! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh Ellen,
We totally agree on this. I am an introvert too which means I crave my alone time. But I also know God has given me gifts that need His Spirit to make them work – leading a Bible study, speaking on radio (that’s a new one), and just getting out to meet people. As long as I plan enough “rest” time I can do the other part in His strength.
I enjoyed your post very much.
REST – it’s part of my word for the year RESTORE.
Today we went out an played mini-golf. Haven’t done that in a long time. Fun!
But my “soul feeding” comes early in the morning when I meet with Jesus.
Blessings and thanks for linking to Sunday Stillness,
Have a great week,
Radio, wow! That’s interesting…and maybe perfect for an introvert! Yes, planning the rest time, allows me to re-charge to serve Him with gladness! Thanks for stopping by Janis!
What a suh-weet job this man has! Like you, I’m an introvert. Without quiet time and time with the Lord the world is not right. However, there is a bit of me that needs people too. 🙂 Your post was enjoyable, Ellen. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, yes, I need people too! But balance is the key for me! Once I’m re-fueled with my “down time”, I’m ready to meet and greet the world! In His strength! Thanks for stopping by Kristi!
Beautiful post and so freeing. Thank you for the reminder to be who God has made us to be and to connect with Him in ways that feed our soul and lift our hearts. Stopping by from Testimony Tuesday.:)
Thanks for visiting, Katie! And for your encouragement…I appreciate you!
I get filled up in God’s creation as well… It flows out of a reverence for his Creation, His omnipotence, His grace. It causes me to worship, to pray, to seek Him more. This seems noble to me, friend. It is filling the niche He created us to fill.
It is important to recognize where we get our soul food, because when we think it should look one way and then spend our time and our efforts in something besides what we were made to crave and serve in, we deplete His best in us and miss the opportunity to serve where we are called.
Great inspiration in your words.
Thanks for stopping by, Dawn! I love your words: filling the niche He created us to fill…Love this! Blessings to you!
Wow – what a wonderful read! I am like you – soul food found in the stillness in nature! Also, I feel ‘fed’ when reading the words of fellow bloggers and writers who praise and thank the Lord in their writing. Such a refreshing blessing! Thanks for sharing at #raralinkup! 🙂
Ruth, I’m so thankful for you and all the #rara sisters! Thanks so much for stopping by my ordinary little corner of the web!
Ellen, we are neighbors at Holley’s today and I feel so blessed. I, too, am more introverted and struggle to be able to “do” those things that others “do” that gives them soul food. I, as another reader put it, like to see others but I so need the peace of nature or the quiet of my home. Guilty should not be a word I use or think about when I am caring for my soul. Your post has reminded me of just Who’s I am. Thank you.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Hey Linda! Good to “see” you again! I was thinking of you the other day, and wondering how you are doing? Yes, we need to remember we are His, and be thankful for how He made us! After all, He knows what He’s doing! I’m so glad you stopped by!
Aaahhh… resting my soul…. feeding my soul. I have really tried to focus on this whole thing this last year. My hubby and I have taken time away even if it’s just a day where we have time to just “take-in” and breathe. Refresh our souls and rejuvenate our minds. Thank you for these words!
Hi Rachel! I haven’t seen you in a while, especially since I cancelled my Compel membership (loved it, just wasn’t putting in the time…). Thanks so much for stopping by!
Oh I love this! I lean towards introverted ways myself! Last weekend my husband had training every day and while I did go out and about town on Saturday morning – the rest of the weekend was spent on my own in an empty quiet house, crafting and creating (and watching movies, and reading books) and it was DIVINE! 😉
Karrilee, it sounds like a perfect day to me! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Ellen, reading your words and enjoying your husband’s beautiful photography was soul food for me today. My husband and children lovingly tease me about my need for nature, but it’s as essential as the air I breathe! I feel so deeply connected to God when surrounded by the wonders of His creation. Even at home, my walls are filled with photos and paintings of streams, mountains, trees, and flowers. I’m encouraged to see how many kindred spirits we have in this regard!
Ah, Tarissa “as essential as the air I breathe” – oh how true for me too! And it sounds like our walls are a lot alike! I love how the Lord brings people across our paths to encourage us just when we need it most! Your words encouraged me today! Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of ordinary! Appreciate you so much!
Ellen, I seriously want to escape away to those photos. What do I do to restore my soul? Nothing. OK, so I am convicted. I need to get away with Jesus more and more. Momma’s got to take some time for herself. Thank you for this reminder.
You know, Kelly, it’s ok to do nothing! Sometimes that is refreshing and restoring! Thanks for stopping by to cheer me on!