WHEREAS, the measures are necessary to protect the health and safety of the people of Louisiana,
NOW THEREFORE I, Governor of the state of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:
…all gatherings of ten or more people shall be postponed or cancelled…until Monday, April 13, 20201
April 13? Why, that’s the Monday after Easter, isn’t it? No Easter church service? No Easter lunch with all the family?
The thoughts sputtered in my brain.
But, but, what will we do??
Easter 2020 will be a different kind of Easter for sure. However, it won’t be much different that the first Easter.
So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19 NASB

The first disciples were huddled behind closed doors in fear of the Jews. We are staying home for our health, wary of the highly contagious, deadly Covid-19 virus. We are disciples staying in for our safety, just like they were.
And Jesus still speaks those same words to us today: Peace be with you.
The peace of Jesus can be ours this oh, so different Easter.
In the gospels we read about parents bringing their children to Jesus, so that He might pray for them. The disciples scolded the parents. I can imagine why. When you get a group of small kids together, it’s no easy feat to control them! Just ask any VBS worker!
But Jesus said “Let the children come.”
Imagine with me all the children crowding around Jesus! They had no agenda, and no expectations. The kids had just heard about this man from their parents, and wanted to see Him. Their parents had said He would pray for them. So they flocked to Jesus.
Imagine with me all the children sitting at His feet. They just wanted to spend time with Him. Imagine the stories He would tell them, and the blessings He would pray over them. And they are happy and content, because they had Jesus.

Let’s put that perspective on Easter this year:
Our perspective: We can’t have our traditional Easter service with our church family.
God’s perspective: You have My Son, who died for you! You are co-heirs with Him. You are His child.
Our perspective: We can’t have our big family lunch after church.
God’s perspective: You have Jesus, the bread of life. You will never thirst again, if you drink the water He gives.
Be like children this Covid-19 Easter 2020: Sit at the feet of Jesus. Spend time with Him. Enjoy His company. Feast on His words! Be filled with the peace of Christ.
Yes, it will be a different kind of Easter. But in a good way.
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.” Matthew 28:6 NASB
Halleleujah! He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Grace be with you,
1 https://gov.louisiana.gov/assets/Proclamations/2020/JBE-33-2020.pdf